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Blog Post May 2017

Another month gone, and what a month it was. I attended my first ever Supanova Pop Culture Expo on the Gold Coast, and it certainly didn’t disappoint. I had so much fun! It was great seeing all the fantastic costumes and I was amazed by the effort so many people went to. I also had the opportunity to have my photo with some of the characters. My favourite costume was of the character ‘Darla’, from one of my all-time favourite TV shows, ‘Buffy: The Vampire Slayer’. The detail in this costume was unbelievable. The time and effort put into it, had to be applauded.

Not only did I have the opportunity to meet and chat with those attending the convention, but fellow stall holders and other authors as well. I met some great people and even made a few friends, which was a wonderful surprise. I have to say a big thank you to Felicity, who was my constant companion during the convention and helped me with my stall. So, ‘thanks Flic’, and hopefully we can do it all again next year.

I also had the opportunity to spend a week in Canberra with my family, which is always great.

While we were there, we did a few of the touristy things and took my two boys to the Nation Zoo, Telstra Tower, Parliament House and the War Memorial. I always love my trips home.

Well, with another month down, I am still working away on the editing of the sequel in ‘The Vampire Hunter Prophecy’ series. It is a long and time consuming process, but one that is necessary for me to be able to produce the best work possible for you, my readers. I am very excited about ‘To Dawn’, and I am looking forward to when it will be available for you all to read. I am hoping that all of you who enjoyed ‘From Dusk’, will enjoy ‘To Dawn’ just as much, if not even more. What will happen with Jack and Lexi?

So, on that note, I better get back to working on the book. Until next month.

Happy reading. M. G.

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